After the mass panic in Italy evidence of Overcrowding in the disco
After the mass panic in Italy evidence of Overcrowding in the disco

After the mass panic, with six dead in a nightclub in Italy, there is evidence that far too many Tickets have been sold for the concert. First investigations suggest that around 1400 tickets had been sold, said the Italian head of government, Giuseppe Conte on Saturday during a visit in Ancona.

“It looks after that only one was used by three spaces. This room was designed for 469 people. With the Numbers we can’t come, obviously.“ Conte however noted that the investigation lasted. “Events like this must not happen again,” said Conte.

In Corinaldo, near Ancona was the night before the start of a Rap concert, a panic broke out. Five Teenagers and a mother were killed, dozens of people were injured. In the scramble initial findings had been sprayed, according to Mace.