After the house vote EU London rejects claims
After the house vote EU London rejects claims

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May and the house of Commons in London for their demands for Changes to the Brexit Treaty, a rebuff. The European Union rejected according to the decision of the Parliament on Tuesday evening from renegotiations by return of post, a spokesman for EU President Donald Tusk said in Brussels. Politicians of the Union, the SPD, Greens and FDP, shared this view.

The British house of Commons had on Tuesday evening in a series of votes, each with a narrow majority only in two positions: There shall be no uncontrolled leakage, but this is more than a statement of intent. And the Prime Minister May want to negotiate in Brussels once again on the EU-demanded a guarantee of an open border in Ireland in the Brexit Deal with the purpose of deleting this so-called Backstop, and replace it. This May have had on Tuesday, so that you could capture the result as a success.

Also, the British leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn agreed to speak with May about the next steps in the process of Brexit. So far, the Old Left, the new elections has been rejected by this circuit.

sticking point Backstop

The Backstop is intended to exclude, that it is on the border between British Northern Ireland and the EU Ireland blow trees and controls. The EU insists, because a division of the Irish island is a flare up of violence in the former civil war region could provoke. The Backstop provides that the UK remains so long in the customs Union with the EU, until another solution is found, moreover, should apply in Northern Ireland, some of the internal market rules. Critics fear that this clause could bind the UK permanently to the EU.

The former foreign Minister, Boris Johnson, Brexit as a Protest against Mays course had given up his office last summer, called on the EU to refuse to accept renegotiations. “I hope that our friends listen to us in Brussels and make change,” said Johnson, the news channel Sky News.