After the expiry of the ultimatum now Threatens the next strike at the rail
After the expiry of the ultimatum now Threatens the next strike at the rail

The train drivers ‘ Union GDL has declared the wage negotiations with Deutsche Bahn for a failure. The state-controlled companies have made up to Wednesday morning, no new offer, the Union announced at the venue in Eisenach. She wanted to now discuss how to proceed.

The German train drivers Union (GDL) had called on the train late on Tuesday night, ultimately, an improved wage offer. To a strike call in accordance with the applicable agreement only after the end of the arbitration.

“this year, it is expected not to strike,” said a GDL spokeswoman. Members of the GDL-negotiating group from closed strikes to the end of the year. “It’s definitely not”, it said. The negotiating group is now waiting for a new offer. Maybe there is still on Wednesday, the movement said in Eisenach.

round Five Tariff”with patience and Serenity

Deutsche Bahn intends to submit in the current tariff conflict, the Agency reports that the two unions EVG and GDL on Wednesday morning, “a new, improved offer”. With the larger railway and traffic trade Union (EVG) to negotiate the track at 10.00 am.

The GDL-Federal Chairman Claus Weselsky said in Eisenach: “The Ball is on the side of the Deutsche Bahn AG. The employer has to submit in the Hand, an improved offer, otherwise we will decide in January about further steps.“ Weselsky said, actually, he had expected that a collective bargaining agreement without a work can be achieved the fight. Therefore, the Union had to endure five rounds of negotiations without a deal “with patience and Composure”.

The GDL was how the toe two months ago, with a requirement to 7.5 percent more income in the bargaining round started. The train drivers ‘ Union represents around 36,000 Employees of the train Crew, including drivers, conductors and on-Board caterers.