After protests on Twitter Zurich Migros stores Mohr heads take from the range
After protests on Twitter Zurich Migros stores Mohr heads take from the range

After protests on Twitter – Zurich Migros stores Blackies” from the SortimentDie Migros take “responding to a Twitter Video and the anti-racist protests after the death of the African-American George Floyd.173 Kommentare173Die Dessert with the controversial name of the company Dubler, clearly written as a “moor’s heads”.Keystone

In two Zurich-based Migros-could stores buy customers Dubler-“moor’s heads” – until now. In the end, this, like online portals of CH Media is now reports. As a reason, a spokeswoman for the Migros specifies the current developments around the anti-racist protests after the death of the African-American George Floyd. You understand that this product could be perceived as provocative.

rolling brought the discussion has a Video on Twitter. Therein, the packaging of the Dubler to detect Liquid in the shelf, including the disputed term “Blackies”. “This expression is extremely connoted a racist and does not correspond to the Political Correctness,” wrote the client and asked the Migros to take the product out of the range.

The debate flared up as early as 2017, as a called Online Petition with 1500 signatures, Dubler should rename his Dessert. The Migros kept the product on the shelves. Even then, it was only in two Zurich-based stores.

in addition, the Migros writes at the request of CH Media, you have added the product to the opening of the Shopvillemärt in Zurich’s main station in 2015 due to popular demand, former Marinello customers to the range.

holder takes position

In the opinion of the owner, Robert Dubler fight back against the racism allegations. “If you don’t like the name, should also not eat blackies.” Instead of changing the name, should you prefer to pay for products from Africa fair prices, he says in the report. This was, however, “in the current economic system is hardly possible”.

The discussion of his product not found Dubler, apparently, not so bad: “discussions about racism are important, should turn but on the real problems.”


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