She yelled “Germany for the Germans. Foreigners out” into the camera in the “Pony Bar” on Sylt – as did some of her friends, one of whom even gave a Hitler salute. The student, who celebrated Pentecost exuberantly, has been banned from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) until the end of July. The committee that will decide whether she can continue studying there has now met at the university.

“This is a unique occurrence in the university’s history: In view of a video that went viral in which a student chanted right-wing extremist slogans, the HAW Hamburg is confronted with enormous reputational damage,” says a statement from the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) at Berliner Tor.

Now it must be ensured that industrial peace is not significantly disturbed by protest actions if the students visit university buildings.

The ban on entry therefore serves to protect the discrimination-free study environment, undisturbed teaching and learning operations and industrial peace, it said.

This is all the more important as the semester is entering its final, decisive phase and numerous exams are pending.

The student apparently did not take legal action against this. According to a university spokesperson, contact has now been made with her.

The Exmatriculation Committee, which will decide on the young woman’s future at the HAW, has now met for the first time at Berliner Tor. The university is citing the Hamburg University Act, Section 42.

The HAW states: “It must be examined whether, in the present case, the offence of significant damage being caused by serious culpable misconduct comes into consideration.”

It is important that the convening of the committee does not mean a prejudgment. “Exmatriculation is a serious infringement of fundamental rights and the situation must be weighed up very carefully. This requires internal and external legal expertise, which will have to be consulted in the careful examination by the committee,” says the HAW.

First of all, the committee will decide whether to initiate proceedings against the young woman at all. “We aim to complete the investigation in the course of June,” said spokesman Matthias Echterhagen.

At the same time, the university emphasizes that it will protect the young woman’s personal rights. “Any mention of names is not permitted and will not be tolerated in the university’s communication channels or on campus. The HAW Hamburg expressly distances itself from social media posts that do not respect personal rights.”

According to the legal system of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, the Exmatriculation Committee is made up of equal numbers of members of the University Senate and the Executive Board. A total of six people are appointed. The committee makes decisions with a two-thirds majority. Echterhagen: “As soon as the committee has reached a decision, we will announce it.”

By Sandra Schäfer

A whimpering, seriously injured little girl was found in a cat box in Berlin in the Altglienicke district in front of an apartment building.

Because her luggage didn’t arrive, a woman took the initiative herself. She tracked her apparently stolen suitcase and drove to the house of an airport employee, where she actually found it.

The original of this article “After Nazi slogans on Sylt: University prohibits student’s name from being mentioned” comes from Mopo.