After a stop in Strasbourg a Suspected bomber was deported from Germany
After a stop in Strasbourg a Suspected bomber was deported from Germany

The alleged attacker of Strasbourg, according to information from the German press Agency, a French national with North African roots. The 29-Year-old was sentenced by the district court to Sing for Grand larceny, a jail sentence and was in prison in Germany. After the Serving of the punishment, he was deported in the year 2017, according to France, the dpa learned on Wednesday. The offender is, according to the mayor of the Alsatian city, Roland Ries, is still volatile. After the attack on the Christmas market, the French government has declared the highest terror alert level for the country. The warning level of the Anti-terrorism Plan Vigipirate be raised to the highest level of “urgence assassination,” said interior Minister Christophe Castaner in the night on Wednesday in Strasbourg.

According to Castaner, the attacker would have been delivered in the run two Times exchange of fire with security forces. In the search for the 29-Year-old is currently 350 security forces were involved. This has been supported, among others, by two helicopters. Also, the Federal police controlled several border crossings from Germany to France. As a spokesman said on Wednesday morning, the police in Kehl, Germany, Iffezheim, Breisach, and Rheinau. Commuters from Germany to France would have to adjust to waiting times of up to 90 minutes, it said. As long as the checks continue, is unclear. “We rely on our colleagues in France. As long as the situation is not corrected, we will control,“ said the police spokesman.

Meanwhile, state chief Emmanuel Macron promised to the Victims of the attack, the solidarity of France. “The solidarity of the entire Nation with Strasbourg, our Victims and their families,” wrote the Macron in the short message service Twitter. Also, Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas has “expressed a deeply distressed” about the terrorist attack and the “cowardly act” condemned. “Our thoughts are with the Victims, our sympathy goes out to their families,” wrote SPD politician on Wednesday morning on Twitter. The German government is doing everything to the French friends to assist, insured Maas.

The French right populist Marine Le Pen has warned about the threat of Islamism in France. “You must know, Strasbourg is a stronghold of Islamic fundamentalism,” said Le Pen, the television channel France 2 on Wednesday. A foreign-funded Salafism spread in the country. You don’t understand why you refuse, in your country, against the fundamentalism, re-wrote Le Pen. It was a “deadly ideology”, I demanded within six years, 250 Dead and hundreds wounded in France. Therefore, your National collection movement have called for a national action against terrorism.

The deadly attack on the Strasbourg Christmas market, the members of the EU Parliament in an exceptional situation. Over several hours, the representatives of the people were trapped in the Parliament building in the city of the Alsace region. Early Wednesday morning, Parliament’s President Antonio Tajani told his in the chamber, gathered colleagues then you are likely to leave the Parliament building, away from the city centre – but only at your own risk. Who wanted to go to the city centre, should this only in a police-secured convoy, stressed Antonio Tajani. “It is impossible to reach without such a convoy to the centre,” he added.

The MEP Sven Schulze had described the “image”-newspaper of the North, the oppressive situation on the phone – was a time when no one in the Parliament building, and also no one: “There are still several hundred people in Parliament. Members, staff – as the building was sealed off, there was. The mood is very depressed. Many felt at the Brussels stop of 2016.“