After a phone conversation with Trump the girl believes more in Santa Claus
After a phone conversation with Trump the girl believes more in Santa Claus

A seven-year-old girl in the United States believe more in Santa Claus, even if President Donald Trump, you had irritated on the previous day in a telephone conversation easily. Journalists had made the girl Collman Lloyd on Tuesday in Lexington, in the state of South Carolina to locate and after her conversation with Trump. Originally, it was reported, the President just got off the phone with a boy by the name of Colman, and asked whether he still believe in the Santa Claus, “for seven years, the is borderline, isn’t it?”

According to reports in the media have Collman confirmed to the President that they believe in Santa. From their short conversation, she reported the local newspaper “the Post and Courier” that you have not understood the term “borderline” (marginal). However, you have also answered this part of the question with a “Yes, Sir.”

she had called on Monday for the traditional Santa Claus Radar to determine the current location of Santa Claus. She had been a scientist directly to the President, the party, together with First Lady Melania in the White house is also in on the action for children.