Afghanistan Many killed in battles with Taliban
Afghanistan Many killed in battles with Taliban

In the case of several incidents in two Afghan provinces have at least six civilians and 21 security forces were killed. In the southeastern Paktika province, six civilians died, as they had transported to a roadside found a bomb in a car to an army base to let you disarm it. Here, the explosive was detonated sentence, – said the head of the provincial Council, Bakhtiari Gul Hemat, on Monday. A further six people had been injured.

During the Robbery of a radical Islamic Taliban on a joint Basis by the police and the army in the district of Kadis of the North-Western Badghis province, had been killed, twelve soldiers and two policemen, said the head of the provincial Council, Abdul Aziz Baig, on Monday. In the district of Ab-e Kamari to be killed also in an attack on several checkpoints in the night to Monday at least seven police officers and at least nine wounded.

The Taliban, the largest insurgent group in Afghanistan, have won especially since the end of the international combat mission by the end of 2014, and was replaced by a Training, strength. Currently, the government is dominated by military figures, only less than half of the districts in the country. Further, around 30 percent are competitive.