resim 334
resim 334

A glimmer of hope for the French. On Wednesday August 17, the long-awaited law on purchasing power was published in the Official Journal. It is therefore now recorded: the measures provided for in this text will be applied. Among the main measures, voted by Parliament last July, we find in particular:

However, an article was rejected by the Constitutional Council, to the chagrin of the deputies supporting it. Indeed, the amendment allowing reuse of used frying oils as fuel was rejected.

Disappointment is in order in the environmentalist camp. Indeed, it is this political group that was at the origin of this article and, for Julien Bayou, national secretary of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, the argument of the Constitutional Council is not admissible.

As Franceinfo pointed out, the article was rebutted because, according to the Wise Men, it presented “no link, even indirect” with the provisions of the initial article 20 of the bill, authorizing road hauliers to index the prices of their service to the price of energy.

“I had included this article following another on aspects of energy sovereignty, but the Senate moved it elsewhere and buried it by asking for a report”, lambasted Julien Bayou.

However, the 4% increases in retirement pensions and several allowances are included in the final law. Find out in our slideshow when this increase will be visible in your bank account, as listed by Capital.