According to the yellow West protests Macron wants to apply with a letter to the French
According to the yellow West protests Macron wants to apply with a letter to the French

The French President Emmanuel Macron wants to apply in mid-January in the Wake of the “National debate” to calm the “yellow West” – protests in writing to the citizens. His “letter to the French” will also spread in social networks, confirmed to the Élyséepalast on Wednesday. The Letter will set out the framework for the topics of the debate.

In the “National debate” can the citizens ‘ proposals on the topics of taxation, environmental restructuring, democracy and Migration as well as the organization of the state. From the citizens ‘ debate from April, concrete decisions are expected to follow.

A representative survey by the opinion research Institute Harris Interactive, the French are divided, with a view on the expected progress in the debate. Accordingly, 50 percent of respondents do not believe that the government will take into account the opinions of the citizens, at least in part,to 47 percent.

The French have little faith in Macrons reforms. Only one third is confident that the reforms of the unemployment insurance (32 percent) or retirement (29 percent) to go in the right direction. Macron had emphasized in his new year’s address, despite the “yellow West”protests to his reforms.