The exit of the UK from the EU had already changed before his execution, the network of relationships among the European member States. The German foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, was the. now, twelve weeks before the 29 March – a Friday, the Brexit is to take place at a hurried visit to Dublin, where he made on the Embassy’s conference of the Irish foreign service, a detailed assistance asseveration.

John Age

Political correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

Ireland is the EU member state that will feel the consequences of a British exit, the strongest – and the attempt to mitigate, through an explicit commitment to Germany. The Irish foreign Minister Simon Coveney made the blatantly clear: After Brexit, it will give the EU no more important bilateral relationship for Ireland as the connection with Germany.

A “joint action plan”

months ago, both Ministers had a stock of the English-Irish relationship has led to get an Overview on which areas of new joint projects were possible. Coveney noted, you could do a lot more in common: in the case of civilian crisis management in third States, but also in the consolidation of the stability of the European financial markets. In the meantime, there is a “joint action plan” that had not been agreed between the ministries of foreign Affairs, but between the many government ministries in Berlin and Dublin, and the rich from economic issues to development aid.

The Irish foreign Minister, of the projects listed, the concerns, the heart of German foreign policy, in which Ireland is involved equally, or consider it at least in the same perspective: the revival of the peace process in the Middle East, a Two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, a political partnership between the EU and the African Union.

He added an insightful praise: The diverse, close cooperation of Ireland with Germany, was evidence of how serious Germany is with its obligation, with all member States of the EU as closely as possible to cooperate, “whether large or small”. In this note, a tip may get stuck against some of the foreign-policy habit in the UK, in relation to Germany, but it expresses a hope. The forthcoming Brexit puts the Irish not only economically, but also in security policy. They hope to be able to over Berlin also the permanent support of Brussels secure.

The fear of new violence

From the point of view of the Irish, the European Union of the island has brought in addition to the economic recovery, above all political stability. The membership of both guardian-the Nations of the counterparties in the conflict in Northern Ireland, the EU created the possibility of the intra-Irish border, to curb and to agree on the good Friday agreement. The following peace process in Belfast has, however, achieved after twenty years of no unwavering robustness. The fact that the Northern Irish autonomy government, which is composed of a balanced representation from Protestant unionists and Catholic Republicans, is suspended for two years, because both sides can find no common denominator anymore.

the fear of new violence is Justified, moreover, in the case of new border facilities between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Still remnants of the former IRA terrorist militia in the North as in the South, active, still it occasionally comes to weapons, finds, attacks, attacks on police and killings of Apostates.

The lasting peace in the (North-)Ireland is one of the greatest European achievements, said the Irish foreign Minister, in the presence of his German colleagues. Maas replied in the same Pathos, the Germans understood well”, such as walls and borders, peace can threaten”. The Germans also believed in “the peace-making power of the European integration”.