The managing Director of the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV), Knut Ringat, has asked the city of Frankfurt, a ban on the sale of metal-coated balloons in the centre of Frankfurt. As a basic Ringat that currently at least once a week, such a balloon is flying in the upper lines in the Frankfurt S-Bahn Tunnel, and there for dangerous situations, or even short-circuits may occur.

Joe rubbed seeds

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

In such cases, the entire S-Bahn-traffic in Frankfurt’s ground to a standstill, what have an impact on all other S-Bahn trains in the Rhine-mine-area is, according to the business leader. This is because the delays would be passed on to almost all of the tracks in the S-Bahn network. It’s hours of takes to get back into the normal driving cycle.

time-Consuming recovery of the balloons

In Frankfurt, these balloons, especially on the Zeil shopping street is a sold. In the S-Bahn and U-Bahn stations, many children lose the balloons. The last case had occurred last Wednesday in the Station Konstablerwache in the middle of the evening.

an employee of the railway for an hour required to retrieve the balloon. The railway has now suspended their Frankfurt S-Bahn-stations posters, on which a balloon ban in railway stations.