A woman explodes in parked vehicles three of the nurses share of the scraps
A woman explodes in parked vehicles three of the nurses share of the scraps

Kortrijk / Ledegem / Wervik –

A young woman was hospitalized Monday morning with her Volkswagen Beetle, on her side, after a collision in the Mellestraat. The three parked cars are divided into the chunks.

the A. R in Kortrijk it was around 9: 30am, on the road, the R8, to the town of Heule, when they have a row of parked cars, did not notice it. They drove to the closest car, and then have her own car, was turned upside down. “The people in the street have helped me to get out of it,” says the driver, who the horror was. “I tried to go through my sun roof, but that didn’t work out. They still have to have my door open to us.”

In total, appeared in three of the parked cars are being damaged by the blow. It was all the car co’s in the centre of The Kolleblomme a bit further down the road. “I was at work one day, when my name suddenly called up,” said Each of the Delefortrie in Sint-Eloois-Winkel, one of the nurses, who are in the pieces of others. “Well, the cars of my co-workers, Reeds, and other Countries had been damaged.”

the Street is blocked.

The Opel Corsa, on Each of the due to the severe blow ahead of being flown on Seat Leon Reed, Buyse from Wervik. The car of the colleague Countries Detremmerie joined the queue and was also a hit.

the incident was the Mellestraat just stopped, but the damaged vehicles were soon to be hoisted. The police made sure that traffic in turn passed.