A Union leader Kirchner a Lot of railway employees have lost hope
A Union leader Kirchner a Lot of railway employees have lost hope

the Chairman of The railway and transport Union (EVG) sees the mood of the staff of the Deutsche Bahn by the problems of the group on the ground. “The situation is catastrophic. It is frustration prevails,“ says Alexander Kirchner in the Newspapers of the editorial network in Germany from Saturday. “Not a few think It is anyway not better. Many colleagues have lost hope.“

Kirchner, who is also Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the train, describes the situation this way: “The car is been driven over the years on wear and tear. There is capacity in the infrastructure, the trains and the staff are missing. The result is that the System tilts gradually.“ Annoyed customers, he makes no hope of quick improvement. To come “with short-term measures in the next year on 80 per cent, of punctuality, is an Illusion.”

The problems have built up to Kirchner’s representation over many years. Group chief Lutz wearing equally responsible as the other members of the management Board and the former executives. “The policy is responsible for the desolate state we have now,” he says. You’ve “failed over many years”, the money needed for the modernisation of infrastructure.