The hotel can be used as

In the case of the death, She Advanced to the city of Bruges, after the arrest of the Romanian suspect in two months. The study is now as good as complete, but the psychiatric report is in the file attached.

The victim’s body was set on Sunday 22nd of January 2017, at 12.20 pm to be found on the beach of the hotel, including a terrace on the sea front. The initial findings of the law doctor found that She can Count on in the course of the night, with the force of life had been compromised. For the time being, however, it is unclear as to what she exactly did during a night out with her best friend.

On the 26th of June 2017, it was Very (c) in Romania, was arrested under a European arrest warrant. On the surveillance video to see, how the man in the blue coat, after the fact, hours and hours of continued wandering in the area of the body. The DNA of the suspect found on the victim’s body, but in C. a continues to deny that she was his wife to die. A report published by the gerechtsdeskundigen will lead the defense to conclude that there was a murder, and possibly even totally out of the question, it is.

Alexander C., in the course of the investigation, also detained for the rape, torture, and sexual assault and sexual interference, in each case resulting in death. If the defendant is a assisenproces opinion would be to go for a tale of murder, hang him, for that fact, still 30 years ‘ imprisonment on top of the head. A court of first instance would be that of up to 20 years in prison to risk it.

the investigation of the facts, was, for a while, at one end, but it was a long wait for the results of the gerechtspsychiaters. It will soon be the suspect, however, for the last time questioned by the investigating judge. Then, the public prosecutor’s office, a eindvordering to draw up, with regard to the reference to the court of justice of the council.

for More about Adam, Count Accused of murder at the Miss Count will remain detained, investigation into the last phase was convicted of murder at the Miss Count will remain in the cell, the Lawyer accused Alexander, C.: “there is No evidence that She Advanced was murdered,” Moordverdachte that was shot and dying She can Count, after he had raped her. He even commented on