A result of the attack Philippine army seal off the southern island of Jolo
A result of the attack Philippine army seal off the southern island of Jolo

After the terror attack on a Catholic Cathedral with at least 20 deaths have been cordoned off security forces in the Philippines, the city of Jolo to a large extent. The police and the army built block on Monday around the city in the South of the country road. Still, the search for the perpetrators to be running. The terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IS) claimed for the attack.

On the island of Jolo, about a thousand kilometers South of the capital, Manila – for many years, Muslim rebels are active. The Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia, where the majority of the population is of the Christian faith.

With the Explosion of two bombs during a Church service had been injured on Sunday, more than 110 people. According to recent findings, the army, the explosives were not detonated by suicide bombers, but were hidden.

The police chief of the Philippines, Oscar Albayalde, described the situation in Jolo as: “There is hardly anyone on the street, many shops are closed. We have the area under control. We have enough soldiers there.“

In Jolo are also rebels from the Islamist terrorist group Abu Sayyaf is actively connected with the terror militia IS. Abu Sayyaf had made in the past few years, due to attacks and kidnappings, also of German, headlines.