A Plethora of special rules Parliament often decides in favour of the farmers
A Plethora of special rules Parliament often decides in favour of the farmers

A Plethora of special rules – Parliament often decides in favor of the farmer of the Federal Council confirmed a widespread assumption: farmers benefit in comparison to the rest of the Swiss of numerous benefits.oli/sda12 Kommentare12Für farmers exist rules in the Swiss law, various Special.Photo: Nicole Pont

The farmers benefit in comparison to the rest of the Swiss economy and population of many special rules. An analysis of various agricultural policy and fiscal measures shows that Only in a few areas, the agriculture is at a disadvantage.

this was the conclusion of a report by the Federal Council adopted on Friday. He gives an Overview of the exculpatory and incriminating specialty of the agriculture rules. The Council of States had given to the analysis with a postulate of Andrea Caroni (AR/FDP) in order.

The farms in Switzerland are supported with a Massnahmenset, such as the Federal Council writes. The main instruments are direct payments in the amount of 2.8 billion Swiss francs per year, and the border protection with a value at the level of producer prices of around 3.3 billion Swiss francs per year.

tax benefit of up to 7000 franc

Also, for tax purposes, farming families benefit by way of incentives and Discounts – in particular, due to the lower valuation of the rental value, as the report shows. Calculations on the basis of a fictitious example, and of specific requirements of the five cantons show that the advantage of a farming family to another ends of the self-employed in the selected cantons around 2000 to 7000 Swiss francs per year.

No financial benefits to the farmers, according to the report, the reduced VAT on certain inputs, such as fertiliser and the exemption of VAT on the sale of Products from own production. The reason for this deduction was.

No final conclusion

Charged in comparison to the rest of the economy, agriculture will, among other things, by restrictions on certain forms of legal persons. This is a cabinets, the possibilities of tax planning, it is said in the report. Finally, it is also the on the various arrangements and their connection with the direct payments related expenses for record-keeping and controls a load for the agriculture.

“The extensive public service contract is directly associated with a high state-dependence of agriculture, said in the summary of the analysis. The Federal Council dispensed with according to its own information be aware of the financial and quantify disadvantages finally.

it is Important that the identified in this report exculpatory and incriminating special rules for agriculture in the development of the agricultural policy would be regularly reviewed as to whether they were expedient and necessary. This was in the interest of both agriculture and consumers, as well as the tax number.

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