The New Zealander, Joshua, Jack was asked to come in for a “serious” talk with the board about his work. As for the e-mail said that he is best as a “support person” would take, he knew that the man what was going on, he would be fired. And so he hired the most appropriate person to assist him during the unpleasant conversation, and a clown.

Joshua has worked as a copywriter for an advertising agency. For the reason that one of the customers is no longer with the company, went, were there lay-offs. The New Zealander was and what he could expect when he was an e-mail with an invitation to attend a meeting with the board of directors. “For those who have never been fired: what will happen is that they will have a call schedule where you will be advised to have a support person with them to bring it on,” explains Joshua on Facebook.

In the majority of cases, partners, friends or family members to be included, but Joshua had other ideas: “I knew I had to be the best support person is needed, so I paid $ 200 for a clown to be hired.” And it came to pass.

the Dog and the unicorn

According to Joshua, it was a good call, but the clown is a disaster in the morning. “Well, I was actually laid off, but other than that, it was enjoyable. We had to have him, < / i> (the clown editor’s note) and i have to say it is much quieter when he ballondieren of the year.” So, Joshua, and the board of management will be treated in a latex dog, and a unicorn. Furthermore, did the clown as if he was crying when Joshua and the paperwork for his discharge was given.

Meanwhile, Joshua found a job in a different agency.

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