A director is now under fire after they have a baby on your lap let it sit and the middle finger to the camera and it shows
A director is now under fire after they have a baby on your lap let it sit and the middle finger to the camera and it shows

A woman from New Zealand, is currently under heavy fire by this viral video. On the amateur images is to see them in Auckland in the city centre broke down as there was a baby on her lap. She seemed to be in addition to any harm aware of the fact that, at a given point in time, she showed her middle finger in the direction of the camera.

An eye-witness was sensational scene to capture with a smartphone. “Hey! What are you trying to do?” shouted an angry man. The woman replied as though nothing was going on and drove off again. For example, she showed what became of her index finger.

local law enforcement is already at the height of the image. “Sorry, this video is a prime example of bad decisions behind the wheel”, says the police. “Nearly one-third of the fatal victims of road accidents in New Zealand are not wearing seat belts. It is, however, a simple, clear message: seat belts save lives.” For the time being, of the lady in the video has not been identified.

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