Despite dialogue with the citizens tens of thousands of yellow West on the road
Despite dialogue with the citizens tens of thousands of yellow West on the road

The tenth weekend in a row, have gathered in France, thousands of “yellow vests” to protests. This came mainly in Paris, Bordeaux and Toulouse, but also smaller cities such as Angers and Avignon in the late Saturday afternoon and bumps evening together with the security forces. On projectiles of some of the demonstrators, the police responded with Trängengas and water cannons. Since mid-November, the movement demonstrated against high cost of living and social injustice.

In Paris rallied in the Morning, the demonstrators called for a protest March in the vicinity of the Eiffel tower. They followed, among other things, the call from Eric Drouet, one of the representatives of the “yellow West”, with the aim to bring together in Paris a Million people on the road. The scuffles took place at the end of the 15-kilometre course ended at the Place des Invalides. The police intervened with water cannons and tear gas against masked demonstrators, stones and bottles throwing. According to the Ministry of the interior of 84,000 people attended the country-wide actions in Paris of 7,000. In Toulouse, there was a record participation of 10,000 activists. Last Saturday, as many demonstrators were at the same time in the whole of France at the end of the road, 8000 in the metropolis. In the early afternoon, the interior Ministry had spoken by only about 27,000 participants across the country.

To Videos in the Social networks to see how “yellow West” to light the city hall in the southern French city of Avignon. In Angers, in Western France, were also built with the fire major road blockages. Also this time the authorities responded with a large security contingent to the otherwise largely peaceful protests against the reform policy of the centre-Right government by Emmanuel Macron. According to the authorities of the country have been widely used up to 80,000 security forces, 5,000 in Paris.

The increasing cases of serious injury due to police violence, a lot of has been applied against the state. The collective “Désarmons-les!” (Disarm you) has listed 98 of such cases, including 15 of people who lost an eye by a hard rubber bullets. The police explained to the justification that she had been attacked by protesters. to defuse

the conflict, reacted to the French President in mid-December, with billions of social actions. In addition, he called for a “civil debate” to life, to make the citizens in their communities proposals on the topics of taxes, democracy, Migration, ecological Transition and the organization of the state. Macron have formulated in his “letter to the French” earlier this week, 35 key questions for the debate. There should also be “intelligent questions” and to him, unforeseen issues, you would be accepted, said the young head of state.