resim 236
resim 236

After the September bonus, that of October… Saturday, October 15, several thousand French people will see their bank accounts bailed out by an additional 100 euros. A transfer made automatically as part of the exceptional back-to-school bonus, also called “inflation bonus”.

This aid, put in place by the government, is intended as a boost to help the most modest households in the face of the undeniable rise in the cost of living since the beginning of the year.

Its amount is fixed at 100 euros, increased by 50 euros per dependent child, and it concerns nearly 14 million households.

In accordance with the law of August 16, 2022, relating to emergency measures to protect purchasing power, the exceptional back-to-school bonus – to be distinguished from the back-to-school allowance (ARS) must be paid on the following dates, according to the status of the beneficiaries:

A first payment was therefore made last September to scholarship students as well as to beneficiaries of the RSA, personalized housing assistance (APL), specific solidarity allowance (ASS) or disabled adult allowance ( AAH).

But if you haven’t received anything in September, all is not lost. Indeed, a second transfer arrives on Saturday, October 15 on the accounts of 200,000 French people.

In our slideshow, find out, according to your profile, if you are eligible for this new payment.