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Beware of garage sales! Of course, it is often the opportunity to earn a little money. In addition, as spring cleaning approaches, you may want to dust off your attic or cellars. However, you have to be vigilant: some goods, which seem very innocuous, must be kept at all costs… at the risk, otherwise, of getting a very bad deal. It is never good to part with certain coins too soon: they could still increase in value. More information about this in our slideshow, which you will find at the end of this article.

Making a sale at a garage sale often involves a little preparation. First of all, observes Groupama on its site, you have to choose your merchandise carefully. Overall, it seems easier to market clothes – if they are clean and not too damaged! – but also games for children, video games, crockery, old objects or antiques as well as electronics. On the other hand, it is forbidden to sell animals or food.

Another essential detail: you will have to make your stand as attractive as possible. This requires tactical choices: