71 percent endorsement Large approval for a two week paternity leave
71 percent endorsement Large approval for a two week paternity leave

Survey to Papi-holiday – Wide approval for a two-week paternity leave, a majority of Voters is for a two-week paternity leave. A representative survey conducted by the Link Institute showed.44 Kommentare44Am 27. September is decided by the voting public on the introduction of a two-week paternity leave.Photo: Keystone1 / 1

Just 16 percent of respondents disagreed with a two-week paternity leave, 71 percent were in favour, while 10 percent were undecided. For the study were from the 20. to on 26. May 1034 persons between the ages of 18 and 79 years were interviewed.

“The high level of support shows that the time is ripe for a paternity leave,” said Adrian Wüthrich, President of Travail Suisse, and the coordination Committee “paternity leave now!”. 27. September will be voted on paternity leave. The study was published for father’s day on (this) Sunday.

promoting the equality

the arguments for acceptance or rejection of answers were multiple possible. Of the supporters of a two-week paternity leave, 39 percent cited as a reason for their approval, the mother to be supported by the fact, 30 per cent were of the opinion that gender equality is promoted. 26 percent referred to a paternity leave as important for the whole family, and for a quarter of the respondents in the construction of a father-child relationship is of importance.

The main argument for the opponents was the cost, a fifth of them cited this as a reason for their rejection of a two-week paternity leave. 14 percent of the opponents held a paternity leave is unnecessary, For 12 percent of the funding must be clarified. 11 percent said that the father could obtain a holiday, and 10 percent held a paternity leave is too expensive.


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