70 of the self employed would have problems to maintain their activity with a second confinement
70 of the self employed would have problems to maintain their activity with a second confinement

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Cases of coronavirus are going to sprout up all over Spain and the ghost of a second confinement each day seems more likely. Faced with this situation, many businesses would suffer the final thrust. If your situation following the confinement of march to June was delicate, a second confinement would be the final closure. Thus reflected in the self-employed, who have been one of the groups most affected by als pandemic. According to the barometer of ATA, the 70% of own-account workers would not endure a second confinement . In particular, for the 16.9% would mean the definitive closure of its business, to 38.2%, it is possible that it meant the permanent closure, while 15.7 per cent at least would have to reduce the size of your company in order to continue.

In terms of the current situation, 8 out of every 10 self-employed ensure that your turnover is lower with respect to last year. Also notes that of this group a 60% claimed that their turnover has fallen by 60% or more , while 11% says that they do not enter anything. On the other side of the scale, only 4.5% of the self-employed says that your billing is higher compared to last year.

yes, the forecasts for the end of the year are more pessimistic. The 86,3% of the self-employed believe that your turnover will be lower to the end of the year with regard to 2019. A 7% believe that they are going to maintain and only 2% believe that at the end of the year will be billed more.

Another big problem of the self-employed, this most endemic, is the in nonperforming loans, which harms their accounts. More than a third of them ensures that the suffer, and 19.1% of them say that they are the large private companies which have to abonarles bills in arrears.

Measures against the crisis

On the aid of the Government by the sanitary crises, today only 6.3% of the self-employed respondents are still receiving the benefit for termination of activity, while a 44.7 per cent are not currently beneficiaries of the provision and almost another 40% have released fees. In terms of the credits in ICO, 24.3% of the self-employed respondents have applied for funding to your bank, and it has granted without problems.

On the opposite side are those who have applied for funding but been denied (16.7%) or one-third of the self-employed who ensure that you not have needed a 33.1%. According to ATA, adding those who have received it without problems and that they have received it but for an amount less than that applied for, they are 30% self-employed persons who have already obtained funding, and almost 19% (6 % is waiting for you and 12.9% is going to do) is pending.

This group has not been spared to make STRONG their templates. So, the 53,2% ensures that have made a STRONG for 100% of its workforce. On the opposite side, one of every five self-employed workers have been able to maintain 100% of their employees in their activity, while one out of every four self-employed has had a STRONG 50% of its workforce, reduce working hours or lay off workers.

Of those who have had to implement the ERTE or reduce working hours, nearly half claim that they have recovered all of your template, while 23.9% of at least one of its members of the template. By contrast, 13.1% do not yet know whether he will economically provide high to one of its workers, while one out of every ten, a 12.6 per cent, has not returned to any member of the staff. In addition, one of every four do not think you can maintain 100% of its staff after six months after ERTE, and a 24.8 per cent ensure that they will have to reduce its workforce.