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Too old to work? Never ! To cope with the shortage of bus drivers affecting companies in this sector, indicates Franceinfo, some firms do not hesitate to recruit retirees. This is, for example, the case of a transport company inseloncourt, in the Doubs, whose share of salaried retirees is 15%.

Senior employees can therefore be reassured. Although committed to retirement, companies seem to continue to value their expertise. The proof is: 82% of companies questioned by an OpinionWay survey have recruited seniors in their company.

In addition, it may take some getting used to, because the reform on the postponement of the retirement age to 64 or 65 seems to have been recorded, indicates Ouest-France. “The objective is that the first elements of the reform can be implemented during 2023 because we have an urgent need to act and above all to balance the system” explained the Minister of Labour, Employment and Integration, Olivier Dussopt in the columns of this same media. It remains to be seen, however, how the parliamentary discussions and debates will go.

Planet presents in the slideshow below 7 figures on the perception of seniors in business, according to data collected by an OpinionWay survey for Indeed on the subject. The interviews were carried out over a period of one month, between July and August 2022, on a sample of 406 private company managers and 1,003 employees.

In this survey, it was shown that 93% of the companies surveyed have senior employees…