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Anxiety can be temporary with, for example, a particular event that causes a peak in stress. In this case, the impact on our body is felt with, for example, throat problems, skin reactions or tense muscles. Who hasn’t had a breakout on the onset of stress? But sometimes anxieties set in and become chronic. In this case, the dangers for your physical health are numerous and can affect the heart, lungs, brain, immune system and stomach.

During their lifetime, everyone experiences anxiety. This feeling is completely normal. Anxiety is sometimes synonymous with protection. Indeed, in certain dangerous situations, anxiety protects us from danger. It becomes abnormal when this feeling is repetitive and causes trouble in a person. We can define anxiety as the feeling of a fear whose cause is difficult to pinpoint.

For example, when two people are getting married, it is completely normal for the bride and groom to feel anxious. In this specific case, it is not harmful. It is due to the long-awaited event by both people. It is the same when you pass the driving license, the baccalaureate, a job interview or even a sporting event. Anxiety is related to an event. It is therefore a temporary stress.

However, anxiety can become a problem if it persists. Here are some examples of situations where anxiety disorders should be of concern:

To deal with these prolonged anxiety disorders you will need to seek the help of a medical professional. The E-health Clinic, made up of psychologists who are experts in their field, helps you to detect your problems and to accompany you in the treatment of your ailments: find out more.

There are different anxiety disorders whose causes are quite diverse. Among the most common are:

Although anxiety is associated with the feeling of fear, chronic anxiety differs from transient anxiety since it is an excessive apprehension. The person may be worried for various reasons such as the cooking of food, the cleanliness of the house, the child who is sick or even that an accident occurs. If you recognize yourself in these examples then take care of yourself because you may be affected by chronic anxiety. This is harmful to your body, your health and your well-being. Several health problems have been identified when a person suffers from anxiety disorders. Indeed, stress leads to heart problems, lung problems, brain problems, a drop in the immune system or even a bad balance in your stomach.

Repeated anxiety causes heart problems, including cardiovascular problems. Anxiety increases your heart rate and causes your heart to work harder. He tries, somehow, to regulate his beats. High blood pressure and overexposure to cortisol also promote heart problems in people with anxiety. Stress therefore has a negative impact on your body and can even cause diseases such as hypertension, arrhythmias and increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Repetitive stress is therefore not to be taken lightly because it is harmful to your physical health.

Having a high level of anxiety weakens your lungs. According to scientific studies, there is a link between anxiety disorders and asthma. People with asthma are more likely to develop panic attacks.

The brain also senses anxiety. On the one hand, the brain is impacted on short-term and long-term memory. Indeed, prolonged stress prevents the brain from memorizing things. This will therefore have an impact on your daily life. On the other hand, anxiety also leads to hormonal imbalances.

Chronic anxiety stimulates your nervous system which then has many repercussions on your body. The high activity of your nervous system triggers unnecessary physical reactions. Your body will therefore try to respond to these reactions and will get tired. People with chronic anxiety tend to be very tired. This is explained by the constant activity of the body which no longer takes time to rest. In addition, anxious people often have difficulty falling asleep because of their constant worries. According to a study by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 54% of people say that stress and anxiety have an impact on the ability to fall asleep. The level of concentration is then impacted.

Stress plays a role in your immune system. Indeed, it fights relentlessly against your anxiety. It will therefore be weakened and you risk catching diseases more easily. It is proven that in case of repetitive stress, the person is more likely to catch a cold, an infection or an inflammation.

Your stomach also suffers if your stress level is too high. Indeed, stress plays a major role in your digestion. Have you ever felt that your digestion is slower when you’re stressed? Is your appetite diminished? It is common to see a stressed person lose weight, due to lack of appetite, when affected by anxiety disorders. Stress is therefore to be monitored so that it is only temporary and does not settle in your daily life.

If your anxiety has been going on for several months, you may have long-term effects on your gut. Several symptoms appear such as gastric reflux, bloating, diarrhea and sometimes even loss of bowel control. Anxiety is therefore to be controlled so that your body does not suffer the consequences. Your metabolism can also be impacted and go so far as to cause obesity. According to people, stress can cause weight loss by cutting the appetite or, conversely, increase the appetite and cause the anxious person to gain a few kilograms. People with anxiety disorders develop ulcers more easily.

If we are well aware that anxiety is bad for our body and our health, how can we cure it? There are many methods to reduce anxiety and learn to manage stress on a daily basis. Among these methods, we can cite relaxation, writing or talking to a psychologist.

The first technique to free yourself from anxiety is to learn to relax. You can relax through activities or practicing a sport. For example, running will allow you to evacuate your anxiety and exert yourself to free yourself from your negative thoughts. You can also practice a combat sport such as boxing or karate. These sports will allow you to let off steam and bring out all your negative vibes. Yoga is also a great way to learn to relax. This practice promotes calm and connection with oneself. To see the benefits of yoga, it is recommended to practice it 15 to 20 minutes a day.

Then, some activities can also relax you. For example, going to the cinema to watch a movie, but also going to see a play can help relaxation. Doing things you love is essential to your well-being and calm. Your mind is busy doing sports or activities. Your stress will be reduced.

The second technique to overcome anxiety is to write. Indeed, writing is an excellent remedy to evacuate stress. By writing, you put words to your ills. It is in this process that you can free yourself from it. Writing what you feel allows you to better understand and assimilate it. The same goes for stress. If you take the time to write down the things that worry you, by transcribing them on a sheet, you can more easily detach yourself from them. Writing allows you to distance yourself from these thoughts.

For this, it can be interesting to write, every day, your feelings on a blank page. You can keep a diary that will help you record your stress. This technique is widely used to reduce anxiety. For this approach to be effective, it is advisable to write when you feel the stress rising. In this context, the goal of writing is to write for 5 minutes everything you want, all your thoughts. No need to think about spelling or grammar, no one will proofread you. The challenge is to free yourself without judgment.

If you’re not sure where to start when writing, ask yourself these few guiding questions:

In case of anxiety disorder, it is best to consult a psychologist. It will help you understand where your stress is coming from and how to overcome it. And for people suffering from social anxiety, distance therapies are particularly beneficial because they allow patients to be accompanied psychologically, while adapting to their problem.

In Corse Matin: Christèle Albaret, psychosociologist and founder of La Clinique E-Santé, speaks about the benefits of digital therapy: “I deeply believe in digital therapy, simply because I have observed its results for more than ‘a year. The patients are delighted and we see it in all the opinions they leave us on the internet. Some had been followed for months or even years in practice, but they were not progressing. Not because in-office therapies do not work, quite the contrary, but because for some, reinforced daily support is a necessity. Many people need moral support and strength in this context which is theirs, and digital therapy precisely makes it possible not to put limits on healing: the psychologist is available every day. Patients can write to him in the middle of the night through the application, they will have an answer in less than 24 hours. The psychologist is there, in this ordeal, with them, everywhere and until the end. It is an exceptional bond that is created. »

So, although fear is natural and can, in some cases, warn us of real danger, anxiety, when it becomes chronic, can have consequences on our body and our health. For some people, anxiety leads to health problems and even illnesses. A recurrent anxiety disorder leads to heart problems, lung problems, brain problems, a weakened immune system and a poor balance in your stomach.

Stress is not to be taken lightly. When it is present in your daily life, do not wait to find solutions and prevent it from taking hold. To overcome it, you can learn to relax and use breathing techniques to ease your stress, do some writing work, or even seek help from a psychologist who will help you understand and overcome your anxiety.