100 million days of absence Significantly more workers are suffering from Stress and Depression
100 million days of absence Significantly more workers are suffering from Stress and Depression

let’s Start with two good news: The Chance to suffer an accident at work in Germany has fallen to a historic Low. Came in 1960 to 1000 full-time employees 109 reportable accidents in the last year, mathematically, only 22.5 and almost 80 percent less than sixty years ago. This is from the report “safety and health in the workplace”, the Federal Institute for occupational safety and health (Baua) has created. The Federal Cabinet has adopted the 288-page investigation this Wednesday.

Christoph Schäfer

responsible editor for business Online.

F. A. Z. Twitter

in Total, the authority recorded 955.000 work-related accidents, in absolute Figures, the second-lowest value after the year 2015 (time: cost 945,000 accidents). The number of fatal accidents has also decreased. She went back in the past four years, by 12 per cent to 564.

but There’s also bad news: The number of workers, the Suffering due to mental and behavioural disorders fail that has doubled in the past ten years. In 2007, 48 million sick days were due to mental disorders, in the past year, there were already 107 million. The statisticians calculate production losses in the value of 12.2 billion euros. Mental disorders such as Burnout or a depression is already the second most common reason why workers will be written by a doctor sick. On the first place of work-related diseases, problems of the muscles or the skeleton (especially back pain).