It’s inflation in the kitchen! The cost of food in France is rising sharply. According to a study published in May 2022, if nothing is done, the supermarket shopping basket could climb up to €200 more per person, indicates Ouest-France.
In question, this economic phenomenon called inflation which has been raging since the beginning of the year and which would have reached a rate of 5.8% this month. Although slight, this is a decline from July when inflation climbed to 6.1%. However, rising food prices continue to rise. In August, the receipt in supermarkets showed 7.7% more.
This increase in the sum of items at the time of payment will not make life easier for French households. Because food was, well before inflation, already the second item of expenditure, just behind housing, according to the site
Indeed, the average amount spent on shopping was €385 in 2017, according to a study by Sofinscope. However, this budget differs from household to household. For young people between 18 and 25 years old, it will be 236 euros, for a couple with two children 473€ and for households with incomes of less than 1000€, it will only be 203€.
In addition, some people are in more precarious situations and do not have the possibility of financing their meals to this extent.
So when the time comes to save money, there are tips for filling your fridge with a limited budget of 100 euros. Planet has produced the slideshow below which lists them, based on an article from