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First expected to head the majority list in the European elections, Stéphane Séjourné surprised everyone. At 38, he became the youngest boss in the history of the Quai d’Orsay of the Fifth Republic. A short-lived member of the Socialist Party, speaking several languages ​​including Spanish having spent part of his youth in Argentina, he was able to very quickly attract the attention of Macron, whom he advised before his candidacy for the presidency in 2017.

In 2018, they together founded the party, En Marche then Renaissance, of which he was promoted last year to general secretary. They also always campaigned hand in hand and, at the Elysée, “Séj”, as the Early Marchers still call him, never stopped being an evening visitor, recalls an article in Challenge.

He who easily imposed himself on the European Parliament will now have to deal with all international subjects, also returns to France Info. Starting with Ukraine, where Catherine Colonna had planned to go this weekend to confirm Paris’ support in the face of Russian aggression. The other priority is the situation in Gaza, where France wants to maintain pressure on Israel, in the face of the thousands of Palestinian civilians killed by the bombings.

His atypical profile thus stands out on the banks of the Quai d’Orsay… firstly because the new minister is the exact opposite of Catherine Colonna, the one he replaces: he is not a prudent and discreet, but a born tactician, with a keen political sense, also points to Challenge.

Here, in our slideshow, 10 facts to learn more about the new Minister of Foreign Affairs: