There is, however, still no chairs in the Flemish Parliament, all the parties remain as they are now. It looks like the logic itself, but in the past few weeks came with quite a bit of ink is all over the place, which, as the Flemish members of parliament to take at the plenary session of the european parliament. Though, internally, not to the substance of the discussion.

The couple are seen on the podium, from left to right, more or less, according to their political orientation: LABOUR party, all the way to the left, the Flemish Interest all the way to the right. This has the advantage of clarity, but it was not to the liking of the N-VA, which has 35 members of parliament, as separate and saw a hallway. Another tradition wants that the democratic party is in the center of the hemisphere is. The party has called for a ceasefire in the conflict right now. “The discussion was not on the merits was discussed, and now the result is classified,” says the N-VA party leader and former chairman of the Wilfried Vandaele. “We have more important things to do.” Nothing will be the same.

More about Wilfried Vandaele of The puzzle to fit at last: who was who in the new government Ham? It is the government — Ham and I, who is the minister in charge, who gets what powers? Not according to the book the New political year in the Flemish Parliament without government: Filip Dewinter (Vlaams belang), chairman during the first session of the