The wreck of a German U-boat surfaced off the Northern French coast. The rusty Remains of the submarine can be seen at low tide in front of the seaside resort of Wissant to the West of Calais, as the tourist guide, Vincent Schmitt, the AFP news Agency said. The boat, the UC-61 was dropped in front of more than a hundred years ago during the First world war.

According to tourist guides for Schmitt, the sea uncovers at low tide, two wreck parts of approximately eight and three meters in length. The U-boat of the Imperial Navy measure a total of around 50 meters, and came in July 1917 prior to the French opal coast on the English channel.

It had to sink, according to the historian Isabelle Delumeau, the mission of merchant ships. “It has even sunk a ship of war,” she says. After the U-boat from the French, has been applied, have blown up the 20-man German crew.