They intervene in addition to the benefits of the compulsory scheme, in other words: health insurance. But they do not have the same objectives. They ? These are, on the one hand, complementary or mutual health insurance, on the other, provident insurance.

In absolute terms, mutual health insurance aims to cover the disease and, more generally, the health of an individual. Conversely, a provident fund works to cover the vagaries of life. Which can take the form of dependency, disability, incapacity or even death.

Health professionals most often agree on the fact that there is no need to choose between mutual health insurance and provident insurance. More generally, they recommend ensuring that you benefit from social protection in line with your needs and your personal situation.

In fact, when the services covered by health insurance are not sufficient to reimburse health costs, nor to financially support an accident in life, the fact of having complementary health insurance is an absolute necessity. This is the whole ambition of provident insurance or mutual health insurance.

As the years go by, it should not be forgotten that your health requirements change. Hence the need to regularly review the guarantees of your various social protection contracts in order to ensure that you have adequate coverage. The objective is to anticipate the vagaries of life.

But beyond this size difference between provident insurance and mutual health insurance, it may be wise to understand what is in question.

More commonly known as a “mutuelle”, the purpose of the mutual health insurance (or complementary health insurance) is to provide additional protection to the health coverage of the compulsory Social Security scheme. Its guarantees come, in fact, partially or completely supplement (after the reimbursement of the health insurance) the assumption of your medical expenses and other health care.

With mutual insurance, you have the possibility of obtaining a certain number of devices. This is the case of dental appliances, hearing aids or eyeglasses. Especially since today, thanks to the 100% health reform (or remains at zero charge), you have access to quality care covered at 100%.

Note that there are also company mutuals. This is a collective contract taken out by your employer for the benefit of its employees. The advantage of this type of contract if you are still in office? It makes it possible to pool risks and therefore reduce hedging costs.

As an employee, you thus have the possibility of having complementary health insurance that is more attractive on the financial side. Which also allows us to offer you better protection. Finally, the other interest of company mutuals lies in the fact that they can also, by extension of the contract, cover your family.

Unlike mutual health insurance which, as its name suggests, focuses on the health of its members, provident insurance aims to enable its policyholders to protect themselves against life’s accidents. Accidents that can cause four risks. Namely: disability, dependency, inability to work or even death.

Also, all the interest of subscribing to provident insurance is due to the fact that its guarantees complement the compensation covered by Social Security by giving you the possibility of having financial support which allows you, not only, to face the hazards in question, but also to preserve your family.

For example, the fact of having taken out provident insurance can allow you to benefit from daily allowances and thus compensate for your loss of income in the event of sick leave related to incapacity.

In the event of age-related dependency, you have the possibility of benefiting from a lifetime pension (or of having capital to compensate for this dependency)In the event of disability, you can, thanks to insurance provident fund, also obtain a pension in order to maintain your salary.

And if you die, your children or your spouse can, again, receive a lump sum or an annuity.

Finally, like mutual health insurance, provident insurance can be taken out individually or collectively.

Our Planet advisers will help you choose pension insurance at the right price. They also support you in choosing your senior mutual.