A cat from Wiesbaden, Germany, is caught in a parked car in a predicament. She was finally rescued by firefighters. But before that, the animal took with the name Fleur a involuntary trip, such as the fire and rescue services. The animal had climbed up on the Sunday evening, presumably in search of a warm place between the bottom plate and the exhaust pipe of a parked car, as it was called.

As a stowaway Fleur was about eight miles, to the owner of the car stopped in the Parking lot of a fast-food restaurants. Here, the woman noticed the loud Mewl of the trapped kitty and called the fire Department.

Having been a tow vehicle had lifted the car, released the firefighters Fleur unharmed, as pointed out in the communication. Since the cat is marked with a Chip under the skin, could be determined by the owner. You picked up the outlier in the fire station.