finally, some 500,000 liters of heavy fuel oil, there is an annual need to get to the palace, with a surface area of over 33,000 square meters, to heat it up. And that doesn’t cost a small fortune, but it also creates a large carbon footprint. Therefore, it will replace the Director of the building and the 30-year-old stookolieketels.

the Huge buildings, huge rooms, high ceilings and lots of rooms. A half-million gallons of fuel each year fuel at the royal palace of Brussels, belgium, with a surface area of 33.401 m2 to a minimum. And that doesn’t cost a small fortune, around 340.000 euros, at current prices, it’s also bad for the environment. That is why there is now a cheaper and especially more environmentally-friendly solution is being worked on.

“the first study, of this late start, it was going to be the heat and verluchtingsinstallaties to adapt to it. There are also plans and diagrams are drawn up to the current situation in the future. By 2020, we will begin with the replacement of underground pipes, then the distributieleidingen, and the heating system itself,” says Tine Deckers, from the Direction of the building.

“a variety of Different approaches were considered: to switch from fuel oil to gas and the installation of condensing boilers, or even as a cogeneration unit,” says her boss, administrteur general Laurent Vrijdaghs, which in the case of very close place.

Photos: “rr”

The work will be in different phases, and with the king at any time, in the cold, you will need to be there.

The most important investment will be in the long term it should pay off. After all, what the solution is, it will bring a better return on investment, less power consumption and less CO2 emissions than the four-stookolieketels of a thirty-year-old, who is in the palace, is now heating up.

the royal Castle of Laeken the royal greenhouses: to 750,000 gallons of heating oil

The Director of the building also has a second major project. It wants to be in the royal castle of Laeken, in the future, the heating using the waste heat of the incineration plant of Neder-over-Heembeek, which, through pipes, to the palace to be brought up. Now, each year 750,000 liters of fuel oil used for the royal castle of Laeken, and the associated greenhouses, and to heat it up. Cost: over € 500,000 or the price of a nice villa in spain.

Due to the use of the waste heat from the incinerator would be 80 percent or less of the fuel oil may also be used. Because on a cold winter’s day, there is going to be any what are the materials lead to problems must be in place.
More about The Palace as Informateurs to force all the parties are round the table now, one would have to look at the PS blows up a secret meeting with the VA, To early, to the highs of Bart De Wever (N-VA) and Elio Di Rupo (PS), in the field, and, therefore, do informateurs Vande Lanotte, and Reynders simply because Capital is king, are not to be indexed