The new Flemish government’s ambition to make its term of office was to conclude with a balanced budget. That N-VA-reader-friendly edition by Theo Francken said Monday on Radio 1. The talks by CD&V and Open Vld, in the distance, so that the Flemish Parliament will be opened, but without the traditional Septemberverklaring of the prime minister’s office.

in The negotiations for the formation of a Flemish government with N-VA, CD&V and Open Vld), led by Jan Jambon, its still in progress, he said Francken. “We’ve been working the last buttons line-up.”


Last weekend we had the table for the first time about the budget relating to them. Francken wanted to be there, not to dwell on it, but did, however, escape from that “strike a balance at the end of the term of office for the purpose”.

Francken did not say how the different policy options and the related fiscal effort “into each other, measured a bit” is going to be. He said, however, the mobiliteitswerken in Antwerp, and the reconstruction of the ring road around Brussels, belgium. “You have all these items in the balance sheet get,” she said.

in regard to the federal, formation, recommends Francken to be a “tough intellectual exercise, with the socialist party”. “If that is the case, and we are fine with that. However, if that doesn’t work, then we’ll have the voters in the eye and be able to demonstrate that we have been working hard in order to give it a try.”

for More about Theo Francken, N-VA, cross confederalisme in the fridge: it is they mean to govern with the PS? Theo Francken: “The Truth is, be prepared to find a compromise”, Theo Francken wants to be Belgian to become more expensive: prices for a nationality certificate, times the eight of the Council of State, it destroys a higher amount for the application for residence permit