wearing The third and last sub-Chapter of the first Chapter of Thomas Mann’s novel “The magic mountain” the title of “The Restaurant”. At the end, not more in the Restaurant of the sanatorium, but in the room of Hans Castorp, speaking of the newcomer, and his cousin Joachim Ziemßen about the assistant physician, Dr. Krokowski, you are just met in the hall, on the way from the Restaurant to the room. The full-bearded sandal wearers, the looks in Hans Castorps eyes “very important”, is specialized in the mental health treatment and it looks like the novice learns, if his investigation of the offers. From time to time, told Joachim Ziemßen, he tells him, “but a dream, so he has something to dissect.”

Patrick Bahners

feuilleton correspondent in Cologne and is responsible for “Humanities”.

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The cousins know that they serve a soul analyst as studies and demonstration objects, which you cannot escape. Thomas Mann’s narrative methods in “the magic mountain” is a radical analytically: This is the Thesis of a monograph, the philologist Andreas Kablitz, published last year (“The magic mountain”. The segmentation of the world. Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg, 2017. 576 p., geb., 68,– ). The subtitle brings the Thesis to a formula that refers to both the subject and the method of the novel narrative. The readers will witness as the narrator of the world MRP kidney, under his artful hands disintegrates. The leitmotif of the announced death suggests Kablitz in the sense of an immanent poetics that he would like to obtain, of course, at the same time on the reality outside of the novel, as an epistemological critique of the scientific worldview.

a Cologne meeting of the working group on “Text and Text” on the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation Kablitz has now demonstrated that his Thesis on the level of the elementary units, proven in the novel’s text is divided. Also, the single sentence falls apart upon closer Inspection; the information he provides, are not only incomplete, but inconsistent and probably hopelessly indeterminate. The theme for the meeting was understood to be the ratio of “Predication and meaning”, the determination of a subject by a predicate as a minimal unit of language use, which according to Kablitz always the insurance, it’s behaving the way the sentence says.

the anticipation of a Séance

For example, the first sentence of “The Restaurant”, the beginning of which repeats the title of the Chapter was: “The Restaurant was bright, elegant and cosy.” How can it behave in a way that a guest room is elegant and cozy, or so it is perceived to be? The documents can be picked from a different set for the part predicates together (they sat on the “cream-colored curtain” elegant; “the faces beglüht by the glow of the red coated electric table lamp”: cozy), tend to reinforce the impression of the opposition, and the fact that the table lamp is donated to a glowing light, arouses doubt that it was that evening in the Restaurant as a whole is really bright. Similar uncertainties result from the presentation of the menu: “There was asparagus soup, stuffed tomatoes, Roast with a variety of ingredient, a particularly well-prepared sweet dish, a cheese plate and fruit.” The verbosity bogus precision. We don’t know what the tomatoes are filled, so that with Kablitz “the paradoxical condition arises that just your filling device to the space of Information”.