as Hotelportier Khuncai Sommart was not entirely at his ease when he was in the previous week, after work, a walk on the beach was. Close to Phuket, thailand, he saw, to his amazement, what an army of small ghost crabs of the beach had been taken. “I was afraid that I would be walking around and bite you,” said the man, later on.

the Concern was not in place. According to the locals, it is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the tide is low. The animals are crawling out of the sand and go in search of food. In addition, the crabs are completely harmless to humans. On the other hand, however, it is quite rare that the ghost crabs are so plentiful along the beach to be seen.

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see also:

the Area is overrun by hundreds of crabs: “never really been”

“it is You who will be in the pot, the end!”: Hilarious fight between a woman and a runaway crab in the kitchen and goes viral

(Millions of hitsige crab traps Cuba, bay of pigs, within

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