to An American father and a son and their happiness when they are in an abandoned building, and a ‘treasure trove’ found an old vending machine. Rick Langos has a afbraakbedrijf, but for him to leave the premises down, he, together with his son, first time for valuable things. As for the buildings, he must have been transferred to it, is all that is left in the company of him. This time, it is touch and go, they hit the jackpot and go home.

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see also:

the “Graveyard of ships”, packed with treasures to discover, for the Greek coast

the Dutch urban explorer, discovered the phantom busdepot from the soviet era are oversized

the Urban explorers discover-by accident leaving the villa from the James Bond film
find out More about that by any chance? Impressive, the jaguar remains the long hours in the tree, to slow, to surprise them with a lethal attack, How is this possible? Truck crashes into power pole… and it is, in part, on the roof of a house the Police are looking for a woman that is a cat in the ditch, throwing Driver shocked when he’s naked jogger by the city of Hasselt moment