as A board member on the A1 motorway in the Netherlands, a collision is produced. The driver pulled out of a truck without having to keep up with the other riders, and did so with a different car. But the driver was clearly not hurt, because they drove on as usual.

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see also:

That was close: driver’s platform can be collided with the truck, but at the last moment to avoid it:

Spookrijder on the E314 highway is causing chaos on the road “Was just a front-end collision avoidance”,

More about that by any chance? The press conference showcases the variety of Boris Johnson and Donald Trump, to deal with the journalists, to Bully is completely crazy: a man was arrested after his blow out on a horse from the police and Reckless driving: truck drivers, provides rolling coffee through the window of the co-Pakjesbezorger’ calls for inside the house, binding the family and then there is safe off