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Many cities have come out of Spain have come out today to the streets to demand freedom and respect to the fans and professionals in the bullfighting arena. If yesterday the march began in the Plaza mayor of Salamanca -and days ago in Jerez, this morning has continued with rides and rallies in cities like Barcelona [and has been], Valladolid, Albacete, Ciudad Real or Logroño. And will continue this afternoon.

This is the manifest that are reading professionals and amateurs:

“in the Face of discrimination and the harassment fierce long-suffering fans and professionals of the world of the bull, understood as the celebrations are regulated and the rich tradition of popular festivities that spans the whole of Spain, are coordinating a series of protests across the country to give its right place to the Bullfighting and the whole of the sector of bullfighting.

The bull in the field, in the plaza and on the street is Intangible Cultural Heritage by Law. A Law assumed as such by a Popular Initiative from below. A heritage indispensable in our history, who we are, what we feel. A unique heritage, a unique species, an ancient culture that we are protected in our right to be and to be, in the Constitution, which guarantees the freedom and equality of all men and women.

In that freedom and equality are we advocating to defend the inalienable labor rights of those who work for and for the bull, as well as the dignity of all groups in the bullfighting arena of amateur and professional, who are subjected to brutal harassment, in a society whose foundations have to be tolerance and respect.

From tolerance and respect, from the firmness of our legal and constitutional rights, amateurs and professionals went out to the street to claim our presence for a relationship of equality with Bullfighting and the rest of the arts. To ask for the respect of the society that do not think like us. That is the freedom, our greatest treasure.

Under the premise of #TambiénSomosCULTURA , and with a white flag that only flies a bull of Picasso, our most international artist, this platform does not have or support political color or ideologies, because if anything, there is a plural and universal, that is the world of the bull. A world, an ancient culture, which is used as a political weapon in the institutions, when the bull never has had flags or sides , left-wing or right-wing. Only unites us, the love, the passion for the bull, a way of living and feeling the bull.

A long list of artists, intellectuals, scientists, and people on foot have lived for centuries in places where the only division is the sun and the shade. The bull and all its manifestations are a part of our culture and the culture doesn’t decide, the politicians, the decide to the peoples. And we, bullfighting, amateurs, professionals, we are the people.

We are CULTURE”.