finally, Pierre Winand, the Belgian president of the North American pakjesactiviteiten by Bpost, will leave at the end of this year, the company’s business. Notify Bpost in a press release. Winand has worked since 2006 at Bpost, with a short break in 2015-2016, and has for the last two years, inter alia in order to ensure that, when taken as Radial.

the Winand starts at Bpost, due to family reasons. “It was an honor to spend the last couple of years, at the head of its operations in North America,” he said. “With the team we have been working hard to get the ship to straighten out, and the peace of mind to bring along. Even though there are still a lot of work, it is now easy to see in which direction we have to sail.”

you can Winand it began in 2006 as the chief financial officer of Bpost. Mid-2015, he went on, however, a year later, he came back to the Us operations of the postal service to continue to lead. Bpost has had a couple of years ago, the Landmark Global, incorporated. As Bpost, in 2017 in the U.s. pakjesbedrijf Radial bought it, had to Winand there, in order to become, as chief executive officer. Ceo Koen Van Gerven, had to admit that there seem to be out of the closet had fallen by that company.

Now, Winand, returning to Europe, he shows Radial “is again in the capable hands of the Executive Leaderschip team”, it could be that. “He completed with a lot of passion and perseverance to Radial in the proper direction as soon as the growth engine of Bpost,” said Van Gerven, who next year will stop, as the company’s CEO. “Even though we have bid farewell to regret, we have to also understand the underlying reasons for this.” Bpost will start the process for the follow-up of the Winand.