Antwerp –

The Antwerp city council Monday night to increase their own directors ‘ fees have been approved for 150 to 213 euros. The majority parties and Vlaams belang voted for Green, LABOUR, and the CD&V, against. The city council, defends the increase by saying that it is going to be the first review since 2001 and, in this way corresponding to an index. The schepencolleges of the districts, would also receive an increase in salary.

at the LABOUR party’s bond last week, and the cat, the call of the question, and reiterated Monday night on behalf of the council to Find the Burners that is all the higher directors ‘ fees, and the weddes together, and this government millions and millions to be spent that would otherwise go to the social policy had to deal with that. Majority parties N-VA, SP.A and Open VLD and Vlaams belang will see, however, there is no hesitation in it. “Not even in Zelzate (belgium), where the LABOUR party is in the board of directors, the attendance fee is currently higher,” noted VP-board member Filip Dewinter to.

now Mayor, Bart De Wever (N-VA) stated that the increase is no more than an index and is in line with other cities. He acknowledged, however, that the compensation during the last legislaturen time, slightly were increased. “In the future, will the indexing be done automatically,” says Weaver.

on the sidelines of the debate was about the abolition of the mandatenbevraging, a move that was only two years ago, it was introduced to bring more transparency to the various mandates that representatives from the council office. All the members of the opposition, is the elimination of a false signal, while the ships of Finance, Koen Kennis (N-VA), there would be “double the work”, as the court of auditors, which has now become for you. “But that’s only for the paid-for mandates, but also due to non-payment mandates, for example, a conflict of interest may arise in certain cases,” says Nahima Lanjri (CD&V).
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