Tens of thousands of Swiss francs charged to Online casino players because of computer science error to the cashier asked, players of the sites jackpot.ch of Grand Casino Baden, and Casino777.ch of Casino Davos were amazed when on their accounts suddenly had no money.3 Kommentare3Zuerst gained nothing, then have to pay: Online-Casinos-loaded unintentionally, the accounts of their players.Photo: Keystone

Over a thousand Online casino players have been asked due to a computer error mistakenly to the checkout: your account has now been charged with several tens of thousands of francs. The affected Casinos in Baden and Davos apologized meanwhile.

The players had a jackpot the Sites.ch of Grand Casino Baden, and Casino777.ch of the Casino Davos is visited. From March until the first of June-days whose accounts were debited without Limits. Reason a computer was error by the financial service provider, confirmed the post of Finance on Wednesday a report in the “19:30” of the Western Swiss television RTS from the night before. The fault does not lie with Postfinance.

During three months, no movements on the accounts of the concerned Casino had taken place with customers until they had been charged, at a stroke, with astronomical sums of money.

faults of external processors

The late withdrawals were made by a faulty Update of the external payment processor, said Beat Lehmann from the Grand Casino Baden on Wednesday to the news Agency Keystone-SDA. This had been corrected meanwhile, but.

With the post Finance is a two-step solution is adopted: as a gesture Of goodwill, those game would be losses from the nachbelasteten deposits between the 17. March and the 10. In may 2020, are developed, fully paid, and the Postfinance account.

From the 6. June had worked in the payment processing back in full, thus, of the 10 applicable. May as the date for the end of the ex-gratia scheme. A charge could take 30 days, which is the range within which the credit card is sent to billing and will be charged.

The victim game casino customer, however, only a partial compensation, and want to organize themselves in accordance with the RTS.


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