Suspicion of money laundering – office of the attorney General determined in the Mozambique affair of the CSEs is to billion in loans to the African state, in the corruption scandal, former Banker of Credit Suisse are involved. Now a criminal case against persons Unknown was opened. 1 Kommentar1Mit the funds would have to be financed in the poor African state development projects, for instance for tuna fishing.: Fishermen from Maputo.Picture: Reuters

In Mozambique, corruption scandal, the former Banker of Credit Suisse (CS) are involved, now detects also the office of the attorney General. They opened last February, a criminal case against Unknown persons on suspicion of money laundering.

The U.S. attorney’s office (BA) based on money laundering Allegations, the position of the corresponding reporting (MROS) received, as well as a request for judicial assistance of the Republic of Mozambique, as she writes at the request of the news Agency Reuters in a Statement. It thus confirmed information of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” reported in its Friday edition about it.

more Complicated case,

The case goes back some years and is quite complicated. In principle, it comes to loans in the amount of about 2 billion US Dollar, among other things, of Credit Suisse, to the state of Moçambique, which have been recorded without the Knowledge of the local Parliament and the International monetary Fund (IMF).

With this money would have to be financed in the poor African state development projects such as for tuna fishing, the coastal surveillance and shipyards. At least 200 million of the money flowed, however, according to an investigation by the U.S. authorities into personal pockets or were used for the payment of bribes by officials and have brought down the state because of the controversial state guarantees in this regard, in a debt crisis.

Various court procedures, including in the USA, the UK, or Mozambique, and some default parameters are already Ex-CS-bankers are waiting on their judgments. Credit Suisse itself is trying to keep meanwhile, as far as possible out of the matter out. It takes the position that their Ex-employees have spoken without the Knowledge of the Bank and of the group Executive Board in Zurich from United Kingdom, the loans and the system of internal control will be circumvented.

Ads against the Bank’s

over a year Ago, according to reports, the former international press, however, the African state of Mozambique in a British court against Credit Suisse filed a lawsuit.

And the Swiss non-governmental organisation Public Eye because of the Case last year, the Federal Prosecutor’s office in Bern, a criminal complaint against the Bank filed. The question should be clarified, whether the second-largest Swiss Bank fulfilled their organizational responsibilities for the Monitoring of the subsidiary and to prevent illegal conduct, it was said at the time.

That the Federal Prosecutor has now opened a procedure that could at least point to the fact that alleged offences have also played in Switzerland, writes the NZZ in your report today. The BA emphasized in its opinion, however, explicitly stated that the criminal case against Unknown persons and not against certain natural and/or legal persons is to be conducted and that all procedures of the innocence of the parties involved are presumed.

The Credit Suisse itself won’t comment on the case big. A spokesman for the Bank told Reuters only that the procedures of the BA against the Unknown address and the Bank with all the authorities would investigate this matter, work together.

(SDA /sep)

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