Fewer cases, less damage: The gross damage caused by data Theft at ATMs in Germany fell last year to a record low of 1.44 million Euro. The establishment of Euro-card systems in Frankfurt explained this by saying that it is Criminal because of modern safety technology, always be more difficult, card data and secret numbers (PIN) of Bank customers to spy on and abuse.

449 Times manipulated data thieves in the total year 2018, nationwide cash machines for “Skimming”Attempts. A year earlier there had been 499 cases. Individual machines can be attacked multiple times. In the year 2017, the “Skimming”-damages to 2.2 million euros, summed up, in 2016, there were 1.9 million Euro.

the focal point of Berlin

the focal point was in the last year, Berlin: 343 Times (previous year: 287) were manipulated in the capital ATM. Experts suggest that data thieves have it in there, especially on data of tourists from countries where payment cards are still relatively easy copyable magnetic stripe equipped – such as the United States.

Germany, however, has since the end of 2010 on EMC technology. While payment cards are equipped with a kind of Mini-Computer. The card will be checked at each use, for authenticity, whether at the ATMs or at the checkout. In Germany, all of the 58,000 ATMs, 820.000 payment terminals in the trade and around 100 million Debit with EMV.