63, 64, 65 years old… Retirement is the subject of heated debate in the hemicycle of the National Assembly, indicates BFMTV. The reform project has been relaunched but only 11% of French people, raises an Ifop study transcribed by the media mentioned above, agree with a change in age to 65. 13 million retirees got at least one good news this week, says Le Parisien. On November 1, 2022, they will obtain an increase in their supplementary pension paid by Agirc-Arrco, from approximately 4.9 to 5.2%.

The people questioned by this same study indicated that the ideal time was between 60 years (for 37% of them) and 62 years (23%). As a result of the threat of longer working years before being able to enjoy retirement, 72% of French people would be more inclined to save.

At the risk, if nothing is done, that to inflate their income, they must continue to work. This is the case for example in the Doubs, inseloncourt, where a transport company is made up of 15% retirees, indicates FranceInfo… So to live well in retirement, it is better to plan…

Planet has produced the slideshow below which presents 8 possible solutions for supplementing your retirement pension, based on data collected by a survey carried out by OpinionWay for the company Carac and its barometer on financial family mutual aid. The study was thus carried out on a sample of 1,006 people representative of the population of retirees in France.