New regulations for highway entrance and departures to the A66 and A671 to help the regular traffic jams around the ailing salt valley bridge at Wiesbaden reduce. As Hesse mobile in Wiesbaden announced, will be extended, among others, the delay strip on the A66 at the Turn in the direction of the schiersteiner bridge to Mainz. The Federal road 455 in the port of Mainz-Kastel A671 in the direction of the South, an additional lane.

Also, an additional lane can thread the motorist in the future in the main pointed triangle of the A671 from the A60 (Mainz). With the new rules, the large-scale diversion to routes, for example from the Rheingau in the direction of Frankfurt, more powerful, as Hesse mobile said. With around a dozen mobile note, motorists would be made to boards on the possible Detours carefully.

With construction of the salt valley bridge such a serious error had been made, that the number of lanes from three to two. This had further intensified about a week ago the already tense transport situation.