as Employers, producers, labor unions, and environmental organizations in a joint report to the Flemish government for the financing of the klimaattransitie not to pass on to future generations. That is reported by The Standard on Sunday on its web site.

The report, which was prepared by the Economic and social Council of Flanders (SERV), at a time of serious doubts as to the commitment of the Flemish government, in order to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases by the year 2030, with 35 per cent lower.

The employers ‘ organisation, Voka, and the union of producers Febeg, and as a TRIBUTE, Fluvius, of the trade unions and the environmental movement, BBC call therefore, in order to make the necessary investments to do so, and it does not go to them.

That’s not a good idea because it’s budget in the future will be, rather, on the contrary, the experts are united in the so-called generator set Financing. They fear that, inter alia, the ageing of the population and the financing of climate change policies is becoming more complicated with it.

It’s going to be enormous amounts of money. Estimates have between 6 and 13 billion euros of additional investments per year, which is required to be Flanders ‘ climate-proof development to do. Some of them are private investments that may be stimulated by, for example, more stringent emission or insulation standards to be imposed on families and businesses.

as for The rest of the government itself. The investeringsnoden, schools, roads, public transport, energy, infrastructure, running into the billions of dollars. Financial assistance for vulnerable households in the rehabilitation of their homes, it is essential to get the klimaatdoelen to pick up, it may only be 3 to 6 billion euros per year. In order to achieve this, without the Flemish, the debt-to-do is completed, you must have the energy and the woonpremies a lot more focused on who they really are in need.
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