Fall is the season of deadlines that often hurt the wallet. Regularization of taxes, back to school, and even payment of property tax…

This last tax, also called property tax on built properties (TFPB) is reserved for owners or usufructuaries. Its opinion is generally available from the end of August, and taxpayers have, this year, until October 15 or 20 to pay it… Unless you have opted for monthly payment.

Like housing tax, property tax can be debited from your account every month by the General Directorate of Public Finances. A solution that can be practical to spread this expense over the year, and avoid scraping the bottom of the drawer to pay your due each fall, at the same time when many other bills are accumulating…

To monthly pay this tax, specifies service-public.fr, you must first make sure that you have a bank account, and a livret A if the transfer is provided for by your bank.

Then, go to your personal space on the impots.gouv.fr website, and choose the option “subscribe to the monthly payment”.

On the smartphone and tablet application, this tab is located in the “My payment contracts” section.

It is also possible to monthly pay your tax by contacting the tax department by telephone, email or post.

Once you have subscribed to this method of payment, you will now pay your property tax in 10 monthly direct debits, running from January to October of the following year.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind: