in the spring of 2020 may be, on any bus or tram in Flanders, and contactless payment. In the course of the year, you will pay by cash, even to disappear completely, ” says The brand.

Photos: George Herregods

in All the years from The on Line payments in cash. An old-fashioned buy tickets on the tram or bus will cost for a long period of time for 3 euros. A pack is more expensive than the sms-ticket (for 2.25 euros per one-way trip), or a digital ticket through The app (in 1.8 euro per one-way trip). At the end of the previous year, which closed with The Line, and a contract with the Conduent in the whole of Flanders ‘ ten thousand terminals to be install on buses, trolleys and trams. With a ticket purchase may contact with by simply with your debit card along with the phone has to go. “In the spring of 2020, you’ll only need your credit card or smartphone to pay for each vehicle on The Line,” said spokeswoman Sue a straw man.

The plan is to fit in with the “less ” cash-plan” of The Line. “It’s not as if The Line is full, cashless I want to be. However, we would like to evolve to a situation in which cash is paid in and the vehicle is no longer” sound to it. “Those of you who would prefer a cash payment, you can have a ticket still to buy in the Lijnwinkel, and a remote sales point.” A specific schedule for the cashstop in the vehicle, it is not there. The Line ends in 2020”, among other things, it is also dependent on other projects as well.

for More on The Line of the Unions, The Line and worried about the plans of the Flemish government: “don’t believe that we’ll both be able to sleep,” The Line, turn off the advertising with the slogan, ” Milk is a deadly poison’ in Antwerp and Ghent, tram stop, the Farmers should be a complaint against it to be “almost criminal” antimelkreclame on the tram: “A punch in the face” this is Also in line with the coalition agreement: pupils are tested four times, with stookolietanks, and VRT should not have anything more to do